The laser device and technique for treatment herpes viral diseases in ophthalmology
One of serious medical and social problems of ophthalmology are herpes-viral infections demanding long, quite often heavy treatment that is followed by obvious decline in quality of life and social disadaptation. The last decades characterized by growth of infection of the population with a virus of simple herpes (VSH) around the world. In addition, incidence grows, advancing a natural increase of the population.
By estimates, around the world the VSH infected about 3,7 billion people aged till 50 years (67% of the population of the planet). In most cases virus built in the genetic structure of nerve cells and is in the “sleeping” state until the end of person’s life. At the same time the person, without suspecting that, is the virus carrier and constitutes danger to people around. Activation of a virus can happen if the person exposed to influence of certain negative factors (overcooling, a stress, over fatigue, an exacerbation of chronic diseases or decrease in the general immunity – at tumors, after an organ transplantation, etc.). In particular, herpetic keratitis – the cornea inflammation caused by the VSH virus. The VSH is on the first place among the reasons causing formation of a cataract and a blindness.
In treatment of a herpetic keratitis, usually use conservative therapy and surgical treatment.
Stationary conservative treatment (duration – until 1 month) includes use of antivirus and immunomodulatory preparations in the form of injections, eye drops, ointments and tablets. However, the available preparations only suppress reproduction of a virus, but do not delete fragments of virus from neurocyte. Therefore, there is always a probability of relapse, especially at an immunodeficiency. The developed vaccines did not prove the efficiency during clinical tests.
Now there is no effective herpes medicine. Therefore, ways of treatment of the eye diseases connected with VSH are object of active scientific researchers now and keep the leading positions as an interdisciplinary problem of practical health care.
Our experiments showed high efficiency of treatment of a herpetic keratitis with the use of laser radiation in ultra-violet area of spectrum (223-270 nm), when providing with the required radiation parameters Practice showed that advantages of a laser technique of treatment consist in the following:
– possibility of monotherapy, without application of classical antivirus preparations;
– positive dynamics for the 2-nd day after procedure;
– lack of relapses;
– lack of specific training of patients for carrying out procedure and good tolerance patients of procedure of treatment;
– possibility of treatment of patients with an allergy to medical preparations.
The purpose of the project is the creation of an industrial sample of the small-sized multiwave diode pumping laser r treatment of a herpetic keratitis. It will allow to treat herpetic keratitis in any city or district clinic.